Rosa Veritas is a spiritual community who recognise that we are spiritual beings living on this earth with a purpose.
Our spiritual teacher, Rev Mario Schoenmaker (1929-1997), gave us esoteric and spiritual teachings to enable us to grow and evolve in understanding and expression of the spirit.
We are located in different parts of the world, primarily Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands, and we meet together in different ways to deepen our ability to live according to the spirit that lives within us.
We believe that the seed of Christ is within each one of us. We know Christ as a free-making spirit that works to heal, uplift and transform our soul-being. We see reincarnation as the unfolding of our eternal soul. We are evolving beings, learning to be whole and free.
We offer different programs and activities: retreats, workshops and devotional services to strengthen our ability to see ourselves and one another as spiritual beings growing into wholeness and freedom.
Coming Up ...