Resources ...
fluidity ... flowOur spiritual focus for 2025 is Fluidity and Flow. Two words which are similar but not the same. They speak of a way of being, a way of giving. Fluidity and flow.
There are many things about this focus, fluidity and flow, that we do not yet understand, but one thing that is apparent is that it involves working more consciously with our astral and etheric bodies, so that the power of the spirit, the power of Christ can become more known and experienced by us and through us.
Fluidity is a word which is mostly associated with the element of water, but can also describe the nature of the air and also fire. Somehow the focus for this coming year has a strong connection to the elements which make up and underpin our world. Fire, air and water are ways of describing our experience of spirit.
This focus on fluidity and flow relates to our astral in the sense that we know from the teachings and from our own experience the tendency of our astral to harden. There is increasing fixedness and containment, and avoidance and dislike of change. All this we need to attend to, if we would work with this focus of fluidity and flow, and be more able to respond to the promptings of the spirit.
The second part of the focus – Flow – relates to an outward movement, to what we can give and add to the world, but it also relates to how we meet whatever we encounter. Instead of hardening and resisting, flow … as a stream of water flows around the rocks and finds its own way through.
The air flows, the water flows, the fire flows. The spiritual worlds, the hierarchy flow, outpour, radiate, stream. They work together like a cascading waterfall, flowing from one level of being to another. And we are part of that, we are not separate.
This coming year’s focus encourages us to identify less with the solidity and hardness and impossibility of the material world, and more with the possibilities and fluidity of the spirit world and our own spiritual beingness. It encourages us to give, it moves us closer to being free.
Members can view the video recording of Rev Antoinette's dedication of the New Year on the Members Videos page.
Coming Up ...
Rosa Veritas is a spiritual community who recognise that we are spiritual beings living on this earth with a purpose.
Our spiritual teacher, Rev Mario Schoenmaker (1929-1997), gave us esoteric and spiritual teachings to enable us to grow and evolve in understanding and expression of the spirit.
We are located in different parts of the world, primarily Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands, and we meet together in different ways to deepen our ability to live according to the spirit that lives within us.
We believe that the seed of Christ is within each one of us. We know Christ as a free-making spirit that works to heal, uplift and transform our soul-being. We see reincarnation as the unfolding of our eternal soul. We are evolving beings, learning to be whole and free.
We offer different programs and activities: retreats, workshops and devotional services to strengthen our ability to see ourselves and one another as spiritual beings growing into wholeness and freedom.