MembershipMany of our activities are open to everyone.
If spiritual education is what you are seeking then our metaphysical and esoteric courses will provide you with rich insights and real applications. These courses do not involve long term commitment or membership. They are offered as distance education modules via internet or as attendance courses in local communities. Participating in our public worship services, such as the Cosmic Mass, Spiritual Healing Service and Full Moon Festival, also does not require membership. You can subscribe to be informed of upcoming events and new products. You can also subscribe to the Vault to have access to devotional and spiritual study resources. If becoming part of the work and life of Rosa Veritas is what draws you, then there are two types of membership: (1) of Rosa Veritas and/or (2) of the Order of the Mystic Christ. Members of Rosa Veritas enter into a path of development and initiation, and make vows to serve Christ and the community. Members of the Order of the Mystic Christ commit themselves to the long-term study and application of the deeper spiritual mysteries. Many in our community are members of both Rosa Veritas and the Order of the Mystic Christ. Becoming a member of Rosa Veritas is a process which takes time. It begins by becoming familiar with our purposes, values and practices, and experiencing the life of the community. Is there an inner resonance or not? Becoming a member is a big commitment and not to be entered into lightly. It is not like joining the gym. Vows and promises are involved. We certainly treat it very seriously. If you would like to know more about what is involved in becoming part of Rosa Veritas, click here for some additional reading. Becoming a member of the Order of the Mystic Christ requires some background and familiarity with fundamental esoteric teachings as well as a willingness to make a long-term commitment to the purposes of the Order. You do not have to be a member of Rosa Veritas to become a member of the Order of the Mystic Christ. If you would like to know more about what is involved in joining the Order of the Mystic Christ, click here for additional information. |