Our communitiesRosa Veritas communities meet to study and learn, to worship and lift hearts, to engage in spiritual conversation and fellowships. Communities share in both physical and online gatherings, meeting in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, the Netherlands, and an 'at large' community of people from diverse locations how meet mostly through the use of technology.
For details of activities, see Learning for courses, workshops and spiritual retreats; or Calendar for details of shared online worship (Online Streaming) and activities in each of the communities. Adelaide
Rosa Veritas Adelaide is a small and vibrant spiritual community who regularly meets for worship services, spiritual teaching and workshops. If we can't attend a service or learning opportunity, you can see us joining services or the variety of different teaching offered via Zoom. We enjoy each other's company and much love welcoming guests – from other communities and people who are interested in experiencing one of the services or workshops. Members are closely connected to the larger international Rosa Veritas community and often travel to attend spiritual retreats and for fellowship. We hope to see you soon! [email protected] Aotearoa New Zealand
The members of Aotearoa NZ Rosa Veritas meet regularly for worship, study, teaching and fellowship. We aim to look at life from a spiritual point of view. We value devotion, the act and art of worship, of raising our hearts and minds to dwell for a time with the divine and be replenished in soul, and be inspired to continue our life-path. Members live in different parts of Aotearoa with a small group in the Wellington area. Our aim is to meet face to face as often as possible and although members live throughout Aotearoa, we manage to gather together to celebrate some major festivals. When we meet face to face we almost always meet in one of our homes. We welcome guests in our homes or via Zoom. We have also embraced Zoom as an alternative and regular way to gather and uphold our purpose. We are committed in our purpose to set souls free and each of us contributes in their own unique way to uphold this purpose. We find strength in each other’s company and the company of Rosa Veritas members and friends of Rosa Veritas in other parts of the world with whom we participate in an international movement identified with Christ. [email protected] At Large
Rosa Veritas at Large is a community of people living in many different places across Australia, New Zealand and Europe. We are not often able to meet together physically, but we work together spiritually. We are regularly in communication and get together via Zoom video conferencing to study, to celebrate the Agapē and sometimes just to socialise or celebrate. Members at large are active in working with the spiritual teachings of Rosa Veritas and finding ways to live out these values and express them in our daily lives. Members are also involved in supporting the worldwide organisation of Rosa Veritas and its different expressions. [email protected] Melbourne
The community of Rosa Veritas in Melbourne meets together regularly for services and other activities. We join in the online streaming services of the wider organisation, and occasionally gather for services in Melbourne. From time to time, there are other services and activities particularly around the spiritual festivals such as Christmas and Easter. Each of these services and activities enrich us individually and also contribute to a sense of purpose as a spiritual community who gather to enlarge and give expression to Christ on this earth. You are welcome to join us for these services and activities. Details will be available on the Melbourne calendar page. [email protected] The Netherlands
Rosa Veritas Netherlands is a small but devoted group of people who live throughout the country. We meet regularly together, either in Bilthoven (middle of the country) or in the houses of our different members. This is to celebrate, to pray, to study or just to be together. It is in the history of the Netherlands to be internationally orientated, and so are we. In our thoughts and prayers we hold the world and it is our hope and work to be a light in this world, together with our brothers and sisters in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. We are grateful to be part of the international community of Rosa Veritas and have regular contact with both Australia and New Zealand, a lot via email and Zoom but also – if circumstances permit – every year one of our Meriti comes to visit and one or more of our priests visit Australia. Regularly other members from abroad are welcomed in our community. [email protected] This link takes you to the Dutch website.
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