COMMENCED JOHN GROUP 2023 starting Monday, 12 June, 2023 with Robert John |
Starting Monday, 12 June — 'Early' and 'Later' groups
Journeying through JohnThe John Group 2023
In 2023 we’ll continue the Journeying through John series. This is both a journey through the stories in John’s Gospel, and a journey through John’s words into deeper and fuller experience of Christ. Each of the monthly gatherings will focus on a brief portion of John’s Gospel, with all participants sharing something of their experience and insight working with that month’s text in preparation for the gathering. Robert John, who leads the John Group, will complement this with his reflections. In 2023, we will be entering into the section of John's Gospel that reframes the main Jewish feasts and festivals in the light of Christ's incarnation. Two groups are offered. Both online small-groups will meet via Zoom video conferencing on the first Monday of each group, June to November. There will be an ‘early’ group and a ‘later’ group. The fee is $210 payable at the commencement the group, or six monthly instalments of $35 each. Both new and continuing participants are welcome.